If you’ve found yourself feeling like your joint pain is worse in the colder weather months-you are not alone.
Barometric pressure measures the weight of the air in the atmosphere pressing down on us. When barometric pressure is lower, the weather tends to be cooler as well. Cold weather causes the oily fluid between our joints to get what chiropractor Dr. Bang calls ‘sludgy’. This leads to our joints not being as lubricated as we’re used to, which can cause pain and discomfort.
Specialists in bone health have tips on how to stay active and healthy during cold months.
Stretching Regularly
It’s a good idea to keep your muscles and joints warmed up when the temperature is low. A lot of us know to stretch before we exercise, but it’s also helpful to stretch throughout the day even if it’s not connected to a workout.
Check Your Diet
Foods such as green tea, berries, and broccoli have been proven through research to help with inflammation. This could provide relief if you’re suffering from joint pain.
Exercise in Ways That Are Kind to Your Joints
Activities like yoga or swimming are helpful in cold weather because they are gentle on your joints. It is suggested to stay active even when it’s cold, but if you’re having pain- options like yoga and swimming allow you to be healthy while still taking it easy on your joints.
Dress Warm
Making sure you keep your body temperature warm with appropriate clothing makes a big difference when it comes to joint pain. You should wear layers, gloves, and a hat to keep yourself as warm as possible.
Heat Therapy
Heat Compress- Applying heat to your pain points allows your blood vessels to get bigger and allow more blood, oxygen, and nutrients to be delivered to the tissues in need.
Paraffin Bath- a paraffin wax bath is when you completely cover the hands or feet with molten paraffin wax. This technique helps relax muscles, reduce joint stiffness, and ease pain.
Note: It is advised to stay away from heat if you are experiencing a flare, acute injury, swelling, or redness.
If you’re experiencing issues with pain this season, Bethany Medical is available to help. To request an appointment with one of our specialists, click below: